Nerd Life Three: Life Is Suck

Nerd life for May 29th 2017

This will be mostly older links as I had an unusually rough month and this piece was delayed because of it. Of course I don’t really have a set deadline for these sort of things. Maybe I should set one?

Anyway since this happened during Space Opera Week I just want to start by pitching my favorite novel of all time. H. Beam Piper’s Space Viking.

It’s a classic, almost archetypal space opera; with a central revenge plot and focus on the questions of civilization versus barbarism, the nature of leadership and the duty of men. Very 1950’s and oddly in hindsight rather Alt-Right to boot. I literally cannot recommend this book more.

(AudioBook here)


Rick Stump having fun with a certain underused trope.

He’s got about three or four of these but think this is the funniest one.


Raging Golden Eagle on Marvel choosing DEATH before de-convergence.


PowerWolf- Army of The Night

Urge to Deus Vult rising! Powerwolf has this very interesting thing going on where they introduce just enough Catholic Horror themes into their Black Metal to provide a sense of contrast. A spot of light to accompany the darkness.


“Evil Queens are Princesses who were never rescued.”

A very interesting writer’s article on how villains have an origin


Remember GamerGate happened for a reason. This piece hit a little to close to home for me.


Actual Science? This is apparently a big deal. Let’s see how Greenpeace finds a way to bitch about it.


How to pronounce German Military words

Not only is this video very useful for wargamers it turns out that IRL Trolls can shout random German words in order to trigger snowflakes and confuse the normies.


Jon Mollison discussing his latest novel (at the time, I think put out another one since then.) In the course of which Jon goes over the difference between natural diversity and forced diversity and how the former can develop over the course of writing a proper story.


Russell Newquist touches on an interesting piece of Medieval myth.


This here is wizard country but y’all need to be careful throwing that magic around.



Nerd Life Three: Life Is Suck

Flat Earth: Seriously I Don’t Get It

So what exactly are the Flat Earth arguments? Is there a special strain of pipeweed that I need to smoke into order to find the magic shimmering doorways to wisdom and knowledge?

At least the Moon Landing Conspiracy made at least some sense. Hell even Reptilian Theory works as a perfect metaphor for explaining the actions of the world leadership caste.

Flat Earth Theory doesn’t even make perfect nonsense but it does lead to a lot of great memes.


Thus begin the legend of Fluffy the Cosmic Terror Beast.


Ok… not that this makes sense. However it would make for a great RPG setting.


Still my favorite.


So listen either the Earth is flat… that is one BIG alien mothership and we are ALL getting probed.


There’s probably some camera geek who can explain this but nobody has time to listen to a four hour lecture on optics.

So that’s all for today.

And yes Discworld is awesome.

Flat Earth: Seriously I Don’t Get It

About the Wolf Thing

Just want to clear up a logical but erroneous misconception that anyone blindly stumbling upon this blog might pick up.

When I was drawn back to the internet during the earliest days of Gamergate I had been effectively withdrawn from all internet communities for about three years or so. I therefore needed a new handle.

I went with Wolfman as

1:) I thought it was funny

2:) I’d used that handle in the distant past but never for anything important.

3:) It was uncomplimentary nickname I’d picked up in highschool and I wished to culturally appropriate it for great justice.

4:) I was thinking about starting a Let’s Play channel at the time (something that may still happen.)

5:) It let me use this as avatar.

Younger readers may not have seen this masterpiece of the claymation music video medium.

After about six months I settled with the Twitter handle Person of Wolfness as a mockery of the term Person of Color which I found an insulting and ridiculous euphemism.

I was not aware of r/K selection theory at the time. I was certainly not expecting to be drawn into any sort of serious politics.

I wrote a few pieces for the The Ralph Retort first with the handle of Richard C. Wolfman and then simply as Wolfman. Well Ralph and I have gone our separate ways. We parted as friends and I have no regrets about our strange and baffling friendship.

The main effect of Gamergate was to keep a normally reclusive man on the internet and reading things that I previously would have outright dismissed. This included the remnants of the Manosphere and a few bloggers who would eventually join the Alt-Right. Davis Aurini and Chris Bechtloff* among them.

Side note: The complete failure of The Sarkessian Effect hurt me in a deeply personal way as I come to think of Jordan Owen as almost a kindred spirit. I have since found other spirits to guide me. It took me a while to forgive Skullmaster Aurini for that but those ill feelings are well in the past and the man has been a consistent reference point when trying to define and understand my own beliefs.


Eventually I was goaded into starting my own blog by a fellow follower of Vox Day. So I chose the title Of Wolves and Men as a form of word play (hey it’s what I do) and because of a Metallic song.

Yes the name of this blog is based on a Metallic Song.

The unexpected early success of the Three Pillars of The West piece actually rattled me badly. It also gave me a small amount of Alt-Right intellectual cred that I don’t feel I’ve completely earned. I’m by nature a very negative, pessimistic person and accepting that some people actually like my writing and found it useful from time to time is not a pill that goes down easy. The great irony here is that my instinctive role in first GamerGate and now the emerging Dissident Right is to encourage other people, steady the line and calm down some the spergier members. Truly this is the strangest timeline.

Anyway I expect that most of the people who wind up reading this will be Christians and I just want to reassure everyone not to get too alarmed about me exploring the Old Pagan religions of Europe or humoring the Hitlerfags from time to time. This is first and foremost supposed to be a writer’s blog and I do like to explore an idea very thoroughly before completely reject it in my own life.

I am not Odinist.

I am not a White Nationalist

I am not a furry!!!

The fact that I have to even stop and state this shows just how far The West has gone into decline. While I have very reluctantly come back to Christ (I just couldn’t let the Fedoras win) I hold to the belief that Christianity doesn’t fundamentally change a nation. It rather adapts to the local culture and strengthens the virtues a people already possess. Therefore a strong knowledge of what your people believed before converting to Christ should logically tell you a great deal about what sort of nation you are. To a generation in search for its past and to nations struggling to define themselves and rediscover the strength needed to face the difficult times ahead, there’s a lot of appeal there.

Wolf Age: Part One

I’ll be keeping an eye on this. Partially as a curious historian and partially as a failed fantasy writer.

And Breyland, its colonies and subject worlds would definitely be struggling with such questions. Ultimately the reason I was able to cross over to the Alt-Right from the smokey dank clouds of Libertarianland was that I was already thinking about questions like what does it mean to be nation? The State, Society? And what of The Sacred? How does it all fit together?

This has been one strange journey and we’re just getting started. The wolf thing started as a joke but many truth is said in jest and I’ve come to accept that such is my lot in life. So cry ‘Awoo’ and let slip the wolfgirls of war.

Wolfman out.

*And for the record I have roughly the same political beliefs as Chris Bechtloff except that I’m soft on the Amish question.


The Three Pillars of The West The post everybody likes. I suppose this marked my conversion from Right-Libertarian to Alt-West.

Write What You Want Yes it’s Evil Legion of Evil fan fiction but this marked another important moment for me.

A Question of Faith In hindsight this a little painful to read. I had to stop LARPing for a moment and figure out where I actually stood. Churchianity did a lot of damage in my life okay.

Conversation in the Twilight Chewing on the difference between the Alt-Right and the theoretical Mil-Right. It’s a fun little piece of dialogue.

So Why Vikings? I go over some of the possible reasons for the current Viking fad.

Viking Metal: Music To Punch Monsters By This is just plain stupid fun and I regret nothing.


About the Wolf Thing

When You Know Not Your Enemy

Propaganda is hard; particularly when you’re a smug semi-Marxist douchebag who’s trapped in a social media echo chamber and who has no day-to-day contact with average working people.

Also it seems that no-one at Ubisoft has learnt anything from GamerGate as the recent poster for Farcry 5 shows; one of the truly great double downs in recent memory.


The message here is clear: If you want to fight against men like that continue to buy an overpriced AAA title that won’t be properly patched until six months after release.

But on the other hand if you would rather fight alongside men like that…

Repent for your sins and get your kilted Heathen arse over to Men of The West

Seriously do people not understand why For Honor was such a hit? The culture as a whole is beginning to shift rightward and you see this very clearly in the lands of videogames; the last refuge of the young male outcast. What do the newest batch of annoying teen gamers want? Hmmm it turns out that they want to retake Constantinople, while singing along to the latest Sabaton song.

Brave Faithful Knights. Strong Metal as Fuck Vikings. Cool Edgy Samurai. Toxic Masculinity Everywhere! For Honor was the perfect storm to welcome a new generation of boys, searching for themselves and on the verge of becoming men. Of course this was no doubt merely a chance as no major gaming publisher would make such divinely-timed a game on purpose but God does tend to work in mysterious ways.

My main point however is the Modern Left simply does not understand the Right (and the Alt-Right in particular) they have no idea what drives us so occasionally their attempt to demoralise or mock us backfire hilariously and wind up motivating us, instead.


The ‘Basket of Deplorables’ remark being the most famous of these examples.

After all how many journalists, marketing execs and Hollywood power couples will actually talk to anyone from “flyover country?” The Right’s main advantage in the Culture War is that the Left is fighting completely blind. They simply have to idea what motivates their enemies to dare to disagree with THE MOST HOLY NARRATIVE!!!


Another example; I believe this was from a LA newspaper and was intended to mock Trump supporters. Unfortunately for Cuckbro we consider masculinity a virtue not a vice.

A third example is this.


This ad was supposed to shock the viewer with OMG! NAZIS! but instead make them hungry for 1950’s America. The ad was quickly pulled once the comrades recognized their failure.

When You Know Not Your Enemy

Courageously Covering the Catastrophic Comicbook Collapse.

I’ve stated before that I’m not really any sort of comic book fan but that I find it necessary to keep at least one eye on comic related news simply so that I can hold basic geek conversations with friends (and readers.)

Just like with Gamergate it’s the Culture War aspect between the SJW converged industry figures (usually mid to bottom level) and the common fan than I find deeply, deeply fascinating.

So it was with much joy that I stumbled upon a relatively new youtube channel Diversity and Comics that is covering comics from an anti-SJW stance while still being approachable and normie friendly.

How Captain Marvel is the perfect icon of SJW Marvel


Questioning the Narrative that 40% of comic readers are female.

What is the first rule of the SJW?

We should have asked this question earlier.

Keep in mind that some genres of gaming are 99%+ Male

Why do Marvel Creators hate the fans?

Reminds me a lot of what Brian Niemeier said a while back about Hollywood hating it’s own audience.

And the comments are worth digging around in (just wear gloves as it is still Youtube.)

The current crew at Marvel ARE awful; they’re rude, egotistical and they lack the creative juice that inspired a lot of artist back in the day. They’re all trend riders, their ‘inspiration’ only coming from what can make them seem like heroes. This isn’t what the writers and artist of years past did. They were not in it to be seen as political commentators which the current crew are and usually label themselves as. Even if the older artist and writers felt strongly in their political feelings they were always artists first.

The new crew ARE NOT. They are political and social obsessives FIRST, social media addicts second, glory riders third and at the very, very last, if at all, they’re ‘creatives’.”

Anyway I thought that was a discovery worth sharing. Marvel (and to some extent DC) has reached a state where they are completely dependant on recycling characters that were created forty or fifty years ago. This is beyond creative bankruptcy. The fear now is that the comic book medium itself will die out completely in the West… this would be a bad thing for all of Geekdom.

While I’m not a huge fan of the Alt-Hero project it’s definitely a step in the right direction and should be good for a laugh if nothing else.


They had to go back and one man decided to help them along on that journey.

Besides the idea here is to inspire others. Isn’t that what superheroes are all about?

Courageously Covering the Catastrophic Comicbook Collapse.

Lever Action Fantasy

Gun Jesus Presents…


Mostly just posting this here so I can find it later. Certainly a very interesting alternate history question.

Also I’ve been assuming that the Mzabian jihadis would be using a mix of imported bolt action carbines and locally made black powder rifles but ‘John Wayne’ guns would be just barely within their indigenous techbase. They’re also the sort of culture that would really enjoy an Old Earth western movie. So I do need to explore that angle.

Lever Action Fantasy

Excuse of the Day

I’m currently nursing a rather embarrassing “lower body injury” which unfortunately has me in just enough pain to break my concentration. So once again there will be no writing on this here “writers blog.” Honestly I’m started to get rather frustrated and discouraged.

And then to add insult to injury some Random Torling declared this Space Opera Week. Space Opera Week was then IMMEDIATELY co-opted by friends of this blog (ie people who actually LIKE space opera.)

So for a least a few days I’m going to have to sit here and not write space opera during Space Opera Week. Hurrah!

The proposed battle anthem of the Viceroyal Breylandic Navy


Which bring me to another point I’ve identified a rather glaring flaw in the Breylandverse; the stories don’t seem to be very fun (too much serious business, like saving Breylandic civilization) and there really isn’t that much room for fun pulp Traveller-type adventures as the smallest civilian starship is a roughly eight hundred thousand ton tramp freighter with a crew of about three hundred.

So while I have no intention of abandoning my ridiculous collection of world building notes (I might start sharing a few here and there) I’ve also started playing around with something that for lack of a better term I’m calling the Nekoverse designed around TIE Fighter/Wing Commander dogfighting; MechWarrior style ground combat and genetically engineered catgirls fighting to liberate an enslaved humanity from evil pink space bunnies.


It’s an idea so stupid it might actually work. Or at least it will be fun break from time to time.

So anyway I’ll get back to you guys once I can think straight and have stopped feeling sorry for myself.

Until the end. For Breyland and for Glory. Wolfman out.

Excuse of the Day

Random Encounter

I’m probably going to regret posting this but… while I’m still completely hopeless when it comes to most human interaction I seem to have shut off enough of my anti-game to get myself in the occasional bit of trouble.

Note that the following takes place in about a thirty to forty second chance meeting.



Cute, high energy blonde chick (1)

Pierced nose but no obvious tattoos

Pushing up against the 2SD comm barrier but thankfully not over it. (2)

Very slender.

Slightly crazy puppy dog eyes.

Somewhat jailbait-y (3)

Nicotine stains on fingers



Much cuter than most women I draw the attention of.

The nicotine stains are a HUGE warning sign when combined with how young she is. (4)

I’m completely unequipped to handle any sort of crazy bitch drama. (5)



The white race is to be saved by other means.

but there’s no reason to be an asshole, here.



Maintain composure.

Flirt slightly to be polite.



And because you shitlords are going to ask.


Going to say Slavic but Germanic is also a possibility. Again we met very briefly and I didn’t have a chart handy.


End Notes:

1: Not a huge fan of blondes but they can be upgraded into perky redheads with a $2 redbull and a $10 box of hairdye. Both items are readily available at any Walmart.

2: This would put her in the 95-100 IQ range. Completely average and unremarkable but trust me I notice when I hit the wall. I think 105-110 would be ideal for me but most such women are pretty arrogant.

3: Guessing she’s about 22 but I’m bad enough at this sort of thing that I occasionally get sternly worded letters from Chris Hansen.

4: A lot of mental patients self medicate with tobacco (reduces stress and appetite.) Combine that with the vibe I got off of her and all sorts of alarms went off.

5: Know thyself. Know thy enemy. I need a sane five, not a crazy seven.

6: Made it a point not to burn any bridges since I live a small enough town that I’m likely to meet this woman again. There’s also the chance my first impression of her could be completely wrong. Still not gonna bite, too many warning signs.

7: Also there’s this. but that’s probably going too far.



Random Encounter

Drop the Baguette, Pierre


How I imagine the average French Nationalist feels right now.


Razorfist with a comical but exceptionally blackpilled take on the French election.

Vox Day breaks things down and puts things in perspective. Notice that The Supreme Dark Lord* is not downbeat here and is sharply dismissive of the wave of panic that the online Alt-Right had gone through in the last couple days.

Reconquista 2.0 is still on schedule this was merely a chance to start things a little early. Le Pen was not expected to win even for a while there it looked like there was a real chance of an upset.

Still it really does hurt to have a fourth quarter comeback stopped like that.

I haven’t really had the chance to look into the Macron leaks but it looks like he really is the Living Avatar of the Globalist Bankster Cuckgod. France in is for some interesting times… possibly the twilight of the Fifth Republic. Do they still have one of those guillotine things laying around?


The drug angle might be a red herring but I do imagine that Macron’s staff require a lot of drugs to handle the stress of selling out their country.

Still deep within the quivering mass of any cheese eating surrender monkey lies the gassy bowels of the French patriot and as the fire of nationalism burns the pressure builds. Trust me my friend you do not want to be downwind of a Gallic patriot when he finally lets loose.**


Why most strategy gamers have a hard time feeling any sort of sympathy for France. Thankfully a handful of us are able to separate fiction from reality.


Slightly off topic… but hey you never know.

*All Hail He Who Sits Upon The Throne of Skulls! Tremble before His not-mercy and bring The Dark Lord his tribute of SJW bones and antifa flags.

**Yes this entire post was just an excuse to tell a fart joke… and people at work say I have no sense of humor.

Drop the Baguette, Pierre