Waiting for the Smoke to Clear

Not the best cover image but I was in a bit of a rush to post this and I didn’t want the bachibaazi meme to be the image in the thumbnail.

These are not happy times up here in The Great Barren Wasteland. While I would like to take time to honor and mourn the dead it doesn’t seem that the media will give me that luxury.

Everything about the recent Quebec city attack seems suspicious and timing alone has me reaching for the tinfoil. So one day after our Bachi Baazi Dancing Puppet Prime Minister makes great virtue signalling gestures about refugees and opposing The God-Emperor’s Will some random Alt-Retard troll launches an attack on a Muslim mosque and guns down  twenty people? Yeah I find that a little hard to believe. So tinfoil in hand let’s check in with Infowars maybe they have a story that makes coherent sense?

The time here is from 8:45 to about 17:20. Listen to that version of events closely and remember that all the early reports had two (or three) suspects one with a Quebecois accent and the other an Arab possibly of Moroccan origin. There’s a lot to be skeptical about here. The important thing right now is that we get Mr. Alexandre Bissonnette to TALK.

What’s that?  You don’t like Alex Jones and think I’m a fucking crackpot for even bringing Infowars up? Well don’t worry because the Rebel Media is on the scene and they’ll be looking for answers (because there sure the fuck are a lot of questions remaining.)

Yeah keep an eye on this story, because either way there’ll be plenty to talk about.



Sidenote: To be fair Bachi Baazi seems to be an Pashtun tribal custom rather than a Muslim thing but the analogy fits and I stand by it.




Waiting for the Smoke to Clear

The End of the Beginning

Sorry about the delay with this but I’m actually having trouble collecting my thoughts after the Ascension of the God-Emperor and the start of The Hundred Days of Glorious Terror.


I hope this is true and I have no reason to doubt it. Trump is America’s first METAL president.

And it all started out with a bang… well a loud series of bangs.


Note here HOW QUICKLY Mattis was able to switch gears and organize this series of airstrikes. Clear evidence that Obama was holding back. Clearly the plans already existed and just needed a Commander in Chief with a single working testicle to give the go signal.

The Russian airforce added in their two cents and it is completely possible that a joint offensive could be launched in the next few days, now that overthrowing the Assad regime (in favor of what is never explained) is not a tenet of US foreign policy.


But the best part were the reports that at US military bases portraits of Obama were being taken down and replaced with Trump memes.



Kek speaks to us in mysterious ways.


And yes The Wall is coming. Just heard the news as I type this.


Just as it was foretold.


Which brings us to calm reasonable response of tolerant left.


The most important word in the English language. Use it well. Use it often. Use it when you have nothing else to say.


The Communist Armies of the 21st Century. Marshal Zhukov is not impressed.


Oh Look the Re-elect Trump 2020 ads are out.

Let’s be fair though ISIS does have better taste in music. Very interesting that they go after Alex Jones so hard and try to claim that a victory. It’s almost like the organizers are being paid by people who hate Infowars or something.


Oh daily reminder the Crazy Uncle Pol is already right and that Pol will always win in the end.


Finally I’ll end with this. Which really got me right in the feels. He claims to have a cold but I still pictured him shedding manly tears.

The End of the Beginning

Got Twenty Minutes?

Back in July there was a poster on 4chan who claimed to be a FBI insider with information on corruption on the level that could potentially take down the entire US government. He couldn’t give any concrete examples but he STRONGLY encouraged reader to dig into the Clinton Foundation.

A lot of people (myself included) either missed the original post or completely discounted it as the usual 4chan bullshit. Of course now that we have the gift of hindsight the whole takes on an entirely new flavor.


Trust me it`s worth your time.

Got Twenty Minutes?

Fruitless Protests

Excellent Interview by David Knight. Covers a wide variety of topics.

One thing that caught my eye here is how the protesters seem to be assigning disrupting the Deploraball with as high a priority as disrupting the actual transition of power ceremony. Which I suppose shows you the true depth of their strategic thinking.

But anyway it looks like The Great Big Hissy Fit of 2017 is still on. Should be incredibly embarrassing for everyone involved but ultimately harmless. Bikers For Trump sounds like they’ll more than happy to take out the trash if that’s what required.

Fruitless Protests

Why No Endgame?

What is your Endgame?

Dear buffoonish midwits of the American Establishment Left? I ask one simple question. “What by the Seven Sacred Fucks of Mount Fuckmore is your endgame?” Under what scenario does abandoning not only the Rule of Law but the very Pretense of Law lead you to a happy ending?

I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t really been following the news too closely the last few weeks but it seems that the Shock and Awe of the impossible Trump victory has led to a state of hysterical panic among the snakes, gators and leeches who inhabit the Great Swamp That Is To Be Drained. Enough so that they in their delusions of grandeur are plotting domestic acts of terrorism and blathering about civil war and revolution.

Now most of this is just that delusions and fever dreams that are spewing out their mouths as they lay on the ground convulsing after having been knocked out of their secret kingdoms in the clouds by the iron gauntlet of reality.

But some it is not mere hot air. The very political operatives, community organizers and phony $15-an-hour anarchists are continuing their efforts to spread chaos and fear despite the fact IT WAS THIS VERY ACTIVITY THAT BROUGHT TRUMP TO OFFICE.


Again people even (gasp) normies have caught on to what Soros and Friends are doing. The gig is up, the game is over you lost. Now pack up your shit and go home.

Sadly it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Which brings me to big news of the day. The newest Project Veritas video that covers an apparent conspiracy to sabotage the Deploraball with the use of a chemical weapon.

There’s a couple things of note here. First while I’m not 100% convinced this was a legit plot Mike Cernovich is apparently taking it seriously enough that he is planning to file criminal charges; something I doubt he’d do lightly.


Also note this meeting took place at Comet Ping Pong of all places! This is either an act of epic stupidity or of arrogance the likes of which humanity hasn’t seen in centuries. Wasn’t the ENTIRE POINT of the fake news narrative to draw attention away from Pizzagate?

And quite a few people are pointing out how stupid and childish this whole idea was (which is why some pundits are thinking that Project Veritas got taken for a ride.)

Zerohedge’s take on the whole thing.


That said NOONE is denying that the Globalists and their useful idiots are going to do every thing they can to disrupt the inauguration in the ridiculous hope that Donald Trump will go away simply if they wish it really really hard.

Sorry there snowflakes but the God-Emperor is Ascending and the only question at this point is will the wall be twenty feet tall and paid for by a tax on remittances to Mexico or thirty feet tall and topped with iron spikes, adorned with the heads of traitors and heretics?

I predict the former but the latter is still a possibility. ‘Joe Six Pack’ has spoken and unfortunately for The Powers That Until Recently Were he’s bringing his buddy “Joe Six-Gun” with him.


Okay worst case scenario is a three week long civil war between Clinton supporters in the CIA and media and Trump supporters in the police and military.

I say three weeks because I’m such an extreme pessimist that I’m actually giving the Deep State a chance here. In reality most of the mid-level intelligence types would be ecstatic for a chance to get rid of their politically appointed bosses.

Even a successful Trump assassination does not stop the March of the Red Hats. I really wish I could get people to understand that. All encouraging violence does at this point is speed up the destruction of the Modern Left. They have to know that? Have to? Right? Maybe they really are a Death Cult?


Finally I’ll end by linking to Tom Kratman‘s post where he gives loving and very fatherly description of what exactly would happen if President Obama tried to declare martial law to stop Trump from becoming president. Well worth a read.


What can I say? The man just has a way with words. Truly a modern master of the English language.

Why No Endgame?

My Nemesis! It Has A Name?

Another day, another long fruitless battle in my war against the 2SD communication gap. At least I finally know the name of my enemy and can begin to devise ways to defeat xer.

After all what does it mean to be human? Does it not mean that all obstacles are to be overcome? Is not the first step to over coming an obstacle to recognize that it exists?

I’m increasingly of the persuasion that the single most important skill a human can possess is the ability to talk to an average person. Sadly this is a skill that I’ve never properly developed and that deep in my Gamma arrogance it never occurred to me that I had to learn, much less take responsibility for.

It’s time to change that. It’s time to human up.


God Emperor Trump can breach a 3SD communication gap without even stretching. Learning to handle a mere 2SD gap in comfortable stride should be an achievable goal.

It would certainly make my life a lot easier… and come to think of it make me a hell of lot easier to deal with from the other person’s point of view.

My Nemesis! It Has A Name?

The Pitch

Writer: So what did you think?

Editor: It’s just World War II dogfighting in space… with catgirls.

Writer: Yes that’s exactly what it is.

Editor: Did you have to add the catgirls?

Writer: Yes.

Editor: Okay… I was just wondering if you had a point to all of this.

Writer: It’s endless legions of genetically engineered catgirls on a brutal hopeless death crusade to liberate Holy Mother Terra and rescue humanity from the tyrannical reign of the Evil Pink Enslave-O Bunnies. It’s space opera! There doesn’t need to be a point!

Editor: Just making sure we’re on the same page here.

Writer: Ridiculous nerd fantasy is what we do right?

Editor: Right… So where are the catboys during all this?

Writer: Catboys are not important.

Editor: I’m just asking because we will get novel length forum threads discussing the toxic nature of nekovian gender relations.

Writer: Good it’ll help build the fanbase for the series.

Editor: Yes I can just imagine the fan ‘artwork’ now.

Writer: I try not think to about it too much. Any other notes?

Editor: Blorgo the Annihilator needs some love.

Writer: Noted. Will add epic backstory of tragic and woe.

Editor: What else? Oh that part where the one alien tries to explain the exact nature of its gender to our clueless hero. Hilarious but did it really have to be five pages?

Writer: I already cut that scene down from seven pages.

Editor: Hmm… we’ll look into that later. Maybe cut it out and work into its own story. Could be Hugo worthy.

Writer: Well…

Editor: Don’t touch anything. I mean just think about it for now.

Writer: Is this something we should be focusing our time and effort on?

Editor: Only if it’s really funny.

Writer: Okay.

Editor: Oh and retreating from battle by hyperdrive is referred to as ‘Frenching out?’

Writer: Rule of funny. Besides I had to call it something. It’s explained in story.

Editor: Our French readers might be horribly offended by that.

Writer: We don’t have any French readers.

Editor: Our hypothetical French readers might be offended by that.

Writer: We weren’t going to be able to sell the movie rights anyway.

Editor: Okay well then I only got problem left with this story but it’s a big one.

Writer: What?

Editor: Where the hell are the giant freaking robots?

Writer: Oh no you don’t.

Editor: Giant freaking robots are recommended by nine of of ten waifus.

Writer: Hey you get your Mechwarrior out of my Wing Commander. I’m not mixing genres any more that I already have.

Editor: Oh come on think about it. You’ve already got a handwavium reason for why the combat is taking place at such short range and low speeds. It’s almost a perfect setting to work in a little Mobile Suit action.

Writer: …

Editor: Dude come on! Let’s see just how much awesome we can cram into this thing. Go for the high score. Chicks dig giant freaking robots.

Writer: errrr… okay maybe in the sequel.

Editor: Just leave the door open. Remember combined arms wins wars.

The Pitch

Begone Oh Wretched Year Of DEATH

So goodbye to 2016 and hello to [THE MOST CURRENT YEAR EVER!!!]

I was going to write out a rant on Star Wars but the recent death of Carrie Fisher completely took the wind out of that sail. Maybe in a week or so.

For anyone who’s asking my policy on Rogue One is to damn it with faint praise.

6/10 See it once and then move on with your life.

More importantly I’ve been thinking about what aspects of Star Wars appealed the most to me as a fan. I think the genius of Star Wars was creating an universe of enormous scale yet where some farmboy in a starfighter could still make a difference.

Food for thought…

Anyway check out the Danish Viking Metal band Vanir. It’s exactly what you expect from a band named that.


I’ve been listening to the same song over and over again for about four beers now.

See you in the new year once my hangover fades.

— Wolfman out

Begone Oh Wretched Year Of DEATH