Character Profile: Non-Binary Wombatperson.

Character Profile: Non-Binary Wombatperson “Womby”

Archetype: The Reject

Name / Alias: Justin Hartwig

Age: Early Twenties

Power level: 4.5 Low level super

Background: Whiny emo layabout. Social media star.

Alignment: Mousecorp Corporate Asset

Politics: Whatever his woke PR person tells him to say.

SSH: Lambda / Omega

Role in the story: Butt of the joke. Possible redemption arc.


Moderate-High Healing Factor: This makes him very hard to kill but he sure does get hurt a lot.

Improved Balance and Agility: Not too much but definitely more than human.

Limited Night Vision: Again a weak power but still pretty useful.

Limited Psychic Detection: Can detect strong psychic presences within about 500 meters. This power in unknown to him at first.


Social media savvy.

Very quick witted. Always has a comeback or a one liner.

Observant, often spots small details others overlook.

Agile and acrobatic.

Can run pretty fast.


Simply not that physically strong.

No one has bothered to teach him how to actually fight.

Tactically ignorant, zero firearms knowledge.

Dependant on anxiety meds and marijuana.

Desperate for fame and acceptance.

Controlled by an evil globalist corporation.

‘In love’ with his handler.

Sleeps with an anime body pillow.

Scared of spiders.


He just sort of shows up and tries to do things. Usually he gets the crap beat out of him but every now and then he actually does something useful like plant a tracking device on a criminal’s get away car or rescues a lost cat. He rescues lot of cats. Everyone loves cats.

Gear: Carries nun-chucks because they are cool looking and his fans love them (despite the fact they are horrible weapons) Has access to Mousecorp hero gadgets but is horrible at using them. Other preferred tools are a collapsible staff and various smoke bombs.

Motives: Was rescued by Captain Justice as a child from an international pedophile ring. Ever since then he has wanted to be a hero or possibly a Mousecorp princess. He doesn’t know but it turns out that he does have some powers so he was happy to take the opportunity to become Pinnacle City’s newest Corporately approved superhero. He just wants to find himself.

Personality: Mopey, whiny and cynical. Prone to mood swings. Still he refuses to quit chasing his dreams. Occasional moments of genuine heroism.

Hobbies: Watches a lot of cartoons and anime. Cuts himself just to watch it heal. Listens to horrible K-pop music. Rants on Twitter.

Appearance and Costume: Medium height with a slender but toned build. Hair is short and usually dyed either blue or black. Costume is a dark purple wombat themed suit with a rather silly looking helmet.

Quirks: Tried to get transgender surgery but his healing factor was so strong that his junk just simply grew back. Also he cannot get piecings and tattoos only last a couple of weeks. Still he does get the occasional one just to cheer himself up.

Character Profile: Non-Binary Wombatperson.

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