NerdLife: Space is Big

Nerd Life Two: Space is big edition. April 28th 2017

Sorry about the delay on this but I keep getting distracted by shiny things. Also watching a fair amount of anime lately which is somewhat out of character I suppose. However with most western entertainment consisting of nothing but SJW infested crap a man does get desperate from time to time.

If anyone cares the shows in question are:

Tiger Mask W (definitely worth watching if you’re any kind of an old school wrestling fan.)

Heavy Object (7/10 but had a satisfying ending. Recommended for the giant robot fans. The rest of you can leave it be.)

Arslan Senki (has a very Sun Tzu-ish feel to it. Prince Arslan’s not much of character but you’re really watching this because his companions and advisers are awesome.)


Let’s start things off with some mood music.

Damn this guy’s good.


Not entirely sure what this thing is… but hey shiny radishes.

Also more food is better than less food.


Now this is interesting. You remember those moisture farmer tower thingies from Star Wars? This might be the first step to making that happen.


Early American Whiskey (pre-bourbon)

A lot of good history here. Although something tells me most of the people reading this would already know about making Kentucky white whiskey.


Space Section: Been playing a lot of Aurora 4x lately.



1972 NASA short film on Mainframe computers and manned spaceflight.

Amazing what they were able to accomplish with computers that were basically as powerful as a modern wrist watch.

Related: The space shuttle runs on one megabyte of RAM. I think you could play Doom on that but I’m not sure. Definitely Wolfenstein 3D.


A few concepts for future space exploration. The comments section does not seem impressed.


Oh shit! Yes something like that would be a problem.


A BBC article lamenting the increasing problem of space junk.

Reminds of a story idea I had where an alien race blockaded Earth by releasing trillions of ball bearings into Earth orbit. Sadly I wasn’t able to think of an ending for that story as if somebody did that to us we’d probably be completely fucked.


Enceladus? I suppose that’s a reminder that we really don’t know that much about Jupiter or Saturn’s larger moons.


The search for new Earth-like planets continues… and this one looks promising.




Midnight’s Edge on why some movies open early or later than the US market.

Yeah I was curious about that. I’d always assumed it was some sort of anti-piracy measure.


WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST READ!!! (for the tabletop crew)


Giant what?


Declan Finn‘s most recent rant about Marvel comics; which is probably a good thing to end with.

I’m not a comics guy but most of my friends are so by default I’m forced to keep up on comic news in order to still in the conversation.


Well that’s all I got for now. Good night my Magic Space Aryan brothers and remember the bosun’s refrain. “Space is a cold, cruel, dark bitch of a mistress and she is always trying to kill you.”

NerdLife: Space is Big

For Death or Glory

A wounded nation wakes at last.

As one by one we see our task.

We will not go quietly into the night.

By blood and fire we shall fight.


Battered men with wounds and scars.

We still remember who we are.

An age of darkness, a time of fear

Just one more trial we must endure.


The shattered plow reforged a blade

They shall learn to fear the foe they made.

With youthful blood and ancient lore

Play once again the tunes of war.


We found our strength, our long lost pride.

We must seize this chance to turn the tide

The barbarian boot upon our throats

Must be removed with one shift stroke.


The hammer beats upon the forge

We will rid our nation of this scourge.

Unite as brothers and face our foe.

You’ve longed for this battle in your soul.


The skies are dark, the hour late.

But now the Saxon starts to hate.

Do we hear the Siren’s call?

We might just have to kill them all.


It seems there’s one more verse to our song

As the ghosts of heroes urge us on.

A nation mocked, a people scorned

Rise together, become the storm.


For Death or Glory! Until the end!

One last chance to make amends.

And if this be our final stand,

then with no regrets we die like men.

For Death or Glory

Damn I Missed That.

I wasn’t going to say anything about the Second Battle of Berkley (as by the time I get around to collecting my thoughts on current events all relevant points have usually been explored) but I do have to admit this was an excellent catch by Seattle4truth.

I’m sure that there are plenty of reasons to be carrying a glass bottle in the middle of a “totally peaceful protest” some sort of delicious hipster green tea for example… oh who are we kidding?

To paraphrase Stefan Molyneux “A Molotov cocktail is not an argument.”

But if we’re all going back to primitive combat then I suppose duels between champions are all well and good. Might I suggest Antifa girl and Lauren Southern wrestling in a oversized kiddy pool filled with chocolate pudding? Truly a battle for the ages. I wonder if we can get a kickstarter going for that?

RPGpundit gives his very well done summary of the story of the Battle of Berkeley. Always interesting to see these sort of things from people you wouldn’t expect it from.

I suppose I really should down sometime in the next week and expand on what I meant by The Six Stages of Civil Conflict which are for the record.

1 Protests

2 Riots

3 Street Battles

4 Paramilitary gun battles

5 De facto Civil War

6 Open Civil War

The contemporary Hard Left are strongest at Stage Two but as we can see as things start to move into Stage Three they are beginning to lose. If things get to Stage Four things are going to go very badly for the Left. Hopefully a few more Battle of Berkeley style beatdowns will be enough to push things back into Stage Two but sadly violence in more likely to escalate than de-escalate. After all SJWs always Double Down.

As things are going the Hard Left will run into the Hard Right and I don’t think too many people are going to feel sorry for them when they do.

At Stage Five things go full Tom Kratman. Thankfully that’s not something I expect but it may still happen. I’m always a pessimist when it comes to these things. Anyway those are just my thoughts for the day.


Damn I Missed That.

The Man Nails it Again

Jim or Mister Metokur gives his take on the recent developments in modern political discourse.

I have no idea what’s happening 1:30-1:45 but I damn near busted a hernia laughing.


Are you ready to Deus Vult? These guys are.

Earlier related

We Smash Commies We must all learn the Way of the Stick and the Path of Baseness

Stages of Civil Conflict and the Violent Leftist’s Dilemma No comrade escalating the violence will NOT end well for you.

Fuck Communism A collection of anti-communist posters and memes.

The Man Nails it Again

Feints, False Flags and Failing Faster

All warfare is based on deception — Sun Tzu

It’s still too early to tell whether Trump is playing 36DD chess or whether he truly has fumbled the nuclear football and fallen into the hands of the neocon lairs who surround him.

But upon farther reflection there is something very odd about the Syrian tomahawk strike. Of the fifty-nine missiles that were fired only twenty-three struck the intended target. So either…

1:) Vital missile components were outsourced to Bangladesh.

2:) or those missiles were basically used as decoys to make the initial strike look larger.

This leads me to one conclusion. The missile strike was a feint or a pulled punch.

Why would Trump do this? I really don’t have an answer for that. So far the best theories take note that Trump was meeting with the President of China at the time these missiles were launched.

Another theory I’ve seen mentioned as that Trump and Bannon are using this incident to smoke out neocons and Islamists inside the military and intelligence community.

That seems just a little too good to be true in my opinion, but we should all know never to count the God-Emperor out.

and if this is all a massive kabuki theatre bluff it’s probably not a good idea to play poker with WarMaster Mattis either.

Of course I’m working off of very little information here but at least it’s no longer all doom and gloom.

Stock footage for a new generation.

Final thought: Feints are usually accompanied by a main attack elsewhere.

Feints, False Flags and Failing Faster


Alex Jones most recent piece on the Syria missile strikes (about an hour or two after they happened.

This is probably the most optimistic interpretation of events. A surgical “smoke and mirrors” airstrike does at least make a tiny amount of sense. Still right now about 95% of Trump’s base feel like they just got Falcon punched in the dick.

And then there’s THIS which just has my blood BOILING.

And no Turkey is not a neutral party in all this either!


Anyway I need to call it a night hopefully I won’t wake up with mushroom clouds on the horizon. Trump is making a mistake here or at least taking an unacceptable risk for minimal gain. Deus does not Vult. I’m not as blackpilled as I was earlier but fuck if this one doesn’t hurt like a son of bitch.



Reconquista Report: April 2nd 2017

The Reconquista Report for April 2nd 2017.

Getting just a little tired of all the defeatism going around lately.

Powerwolf – In the Name of God.

Reconquista 2.0 will have it’s own soundtrack.


French scientist predicts a Le Pen victory. Which would dramatically accurate the timeline of Reconquista 2.0 (and save a lot of lives.)


Ban assault bacon!

Peter Sweden fully explains the story.

Swedes are arming themselves with gangster weapons like nunchuks and stiletto daggers. No word on whether or not they are wrapping said weapons in deadly assault bacon.


Two mosques in Germany bombed. Probably factional infighting but the Germans are cheering on social media none-the-less.


Terror plot foiled. Interesting target choice.


So why are there Kurds and Turks in Belgium again?

United Kingdom:

The Brexit continues. The UK can now legally deport without going through the EU. Should make Kebab removal that much smoother.


Ted Nugent (of all people) points out how many products including explosives and bullets are made with pork products or glycerin from pork fat.


Reconquista Report: April 2nd 2017


NerdLife for March 31st 2017

Not too sure what direction I’ll be taking this blog in the future. I’ll probably be doing a bit of A/B testing over the next month or so. This is supposed to be a writer’s blog but I never seem to get any writing done…


I know right.

Rolling a 98 (Found randomly on Youtube)

Hey sometimes RN Jesus thanks you for all the prayers. Moments like these are why gamers game.

The STAR WARS is serious business section:

Of course Han shoots first. To think otherwise is heresy!


Good life advice in general.

A brilliant retelling of Star Wars that highlights just how toxic and counterproductive strong female characters can be when trying to tell any sort of heroic story.

Bradford Walker breaks down the important of Grand Admiral Thrawn as a Star Wars antagonist. While I still have mixed feelings about Rebels there is absolutely no doubt that they nailed Thrawn character and that his mere presence greatly improved the show.

Rawle Nyanzi breaks down the new power rangers movie and highlights the paint by numbers progressive nature of the heroes.

Declan Finn goes down the list of upcoming Hollywood remakes. It’s not a pretty picture.

Uadate: Related an article on the CHIPS remake which IMO doesn’t look like a bad movie in and by itself but is probably going to be a horrible remake.

Wasn’t sure where to put this… but you know how much I love conspiracy theories. Besides Machiavelli is pretty required reading in these troublesome days.

“I’ve never clicked on anything so fast in my life.”

Sad news everybody.

Now if anyone needs me I’ll be in the bathroom cutting myself and listening to My Chemical Romance.

—Wolfman out.

Still rocking in the fading memory of the Free World.
