A Faint Hope

There are some very interesting rumors going around the smoking ruins of Star Wars land. Up to an including the possibility of Disney and Lucasfilm straight up writing off the Disney sequels as non-canon or fading them out of existence.

Midnight’s Edge has the details.


The internal fighting and politics within Lucasfilm seems like a very interesting topic. Personally my hopes aren’t too high but fans will never forget between what we got and what we could have had.


A Faint Hope

A Brief Distraction

Just doing a quick non-virus related post to cheer up a little.


Very nice Mars base here. Love the drone glider thingie.


Fury — The World is Mine

Love this song. Definite Hero Theme.



Well when you put it that way.


Ironflame —Blood Red Cross

Nice Crusader/Templar themed song.



 Old school barbarian art is never off topic.


Saxon — Terminal Velocity

Very high energy song. Suitable for paratroopers or space marines.



Just a space hermit with his frens.

A Brief Distraction

Science Fiction Art Compilation Iridium Dreams

It’s a little embarrassing that a friend of the blog Bradford Walker gave this video a shoutout well before I could get around to posting about it on my own blog. But I guess that’s what wingman are for (watching your six.)

This is the third scifi art + music video that I’ve done and definitely the one I’m most happy with.


Bitchute Version

The art uses is a mix of 70’s era art I found on twitter from the usual sources; and a number of more modern artwork grabbed off of google images. There is a very definite ‘cities and bases’ theme to this video.

Here’s a few of my favorite pictures.


A great landscape piece with only the two starfighters or shuttlecraft giving any hint that this is a sci-fi setting.


An ice moon city made up of crater suburbs and linked by what looks like rail lines.


Giant mech versus some kind of superheavy tank. Hell Yeah!


Heavy duty asteroid mining gear.


Very dark and cyberpunky. Sadly no commies being thrown from the helicopters. Clearly a minor oversight by the artist.


Trex + Uboat = What exactly is going on here?


A beautiful winter spaceport scene. Love the VTOL.


Science Fiction Art Compilation Iridium Dreams

Do It Again But Bigger and Louder.

So I got bored and decided to try to learn some basic editing skills, like how to put music over video.

and this is the result… basically a repeat of the last post but cranked all the way up to eleven.


Also I have set up a Bitchute account just as an backup. Although I have noticed that book reviews seem to do very well on there for some reason.


Do It Again But Bigger and Louder.

World Building: Rotating Habitats

Just a few random thoughts that I can’t quite put together.

I’ve been trying to come up with a justification for building classic O’Neill cylinders and larger space habitats in settings with

A:) Practical widespread fusion power.

B:) Artificial gravity.

and I think I’ve figured it out.

but first a refresher for anyone who needs one.


Megastructures Rotating Habitants By Issac Arthur [31mins]

Well worth your time if you’re a classic Sci-fi fan.


Sci-fi technology like fantasy magic is most interesting when there are limitations on it.

So what sort of limitations make sense for artificial gravity?

The two I can think of off of the top of my head are high power use and the need to periodically shut down the generator for maintenance.

Power use is a non-issue. Particularly on a warship which needs to have large reactors anyway. Shutting down the gravity generators for a short maintenance cycle can be annoying but shouldn’t be an issue for a crew with basic Zero-G training. Besides a ship would usually be doing this sort of overhaul while docked at a repair yard and could therefore be using the shipyards artificial gravity rather than the shipboard systems.

As for space stations, crew even barely trained conscript workers are going to be able to handle a period of Zero-G (especially if maintenance is done on a regular schedule.)

But who wouldn’t handle a period of weightlessness that well?

Small children and animals.

Imagine this but with COWS instead of frogs.


Large livestock in zero gravity is going to be a very bad thing.


So any space habitat large enough to have a permanent population or onboard agriculture is therefore going to have a real incentive to go with a ‘low tech’ spin based gravity system rather the normal gravity generators.

Although combining the systems is also an option since the spin gravity doesn’t need to be a full G as it’s only purpose to hold things down while the artificial gravity generators are being serviced.


World Building: Rotating Habitats

A Decent Question

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Just feeling a little blackpilled.

Especially embarrassed about not being able to follow up on The Squeaker War posts from months ago.

but I still find myself musing about the series and wondering just important would it be to get a base on the moon?

and how hard would it be?

Anyway I spotted this short well done video on YouTube well worth the 10 mins watch time.


Here a take from Issac Arthur that’s well worth a watch [24 mins]

A Decent Question

Brown Dwarves

An interesting space video that might interest some of you.

Crash Course: Brown Dwarves [11 mins]

Infogalactic link.


Screenshot (148).png

Squeaker War thoughts:

Hmm a pair of brown dwarves about eight light years from Sol would be a great place for the Jubi to be building a secret naval base.

Especially since our cute fuzzy alien ‘friends’ tend to ignore planets and instead build space colonies around red and brown dwarves ‘where no one would think to look for them.’

or there could be a faint brown dwarf even closer to Sol that we haven’t spotted yet.

Brown Dwarves