A Very Whilepilling Song.

Just a song I thought I’d share with you while we wait for Doomsday in America (or possibly Trumpmas)

Beast in Black — Blood of a Lion

This is a very cheesy very 90’s style powermetal band and I’m happy to have found them.

The other new band I’ve discovered in March in Arms. Which seems to be to be an American Sabaton in the making as all their songs are about the world wars.

March in Arms — 1914

A Very Whilepilling Song.

A Brief Distraction

Just doing a quick non-virus related post to cheer up a little.


Very nice Mars base here. Love the drone glider thingie.


Fury — The World is Mine

Love this song. Definite Hero Theme.



Well when you put it that way.


Ironflame —Blood Red Cross

Nice Crusader/Templar themed song.



 Old school barbarian art is never off topic.


Saxon — Terminal Velocity

Very high energy song. Suitable for paratroopers or space marines.



Just a space hermit with his frens.

A Brief Distraction

The Krampus Festive Beatdown

I don’t have the full story, (I can’t even tell what country this happened in) but this was too funny not to meme IMMEDIATELY

Bitchute version



Krampus wiki article: Because I had to refresh my memory.



Also the comments on the original footage are priceless. So if you have time get ahead and give those skim.


Via Google Translate

Controversy over the Krampus parade, in Vipiteno, South Tyrol. The traditional parade takes place in the days of St. Nicholas, with some inhabitants masquerading as devils, the Krampus precisely, who hurl themselves at the young spectators (the “provocateurs” according to the custom) of the place, soiling them with soot and hitting them with a kind of wooden scrape. A video, shot from a window and posted on Facebook, shows moments from the latest edition, with Krampus chasing and beating passers-by in the street, shielding and kicking. A violence that sparked a series of criticisms, so much so that the association that organizes the event every year has intervened on Facebook,

Italian News Cast

Hmm… interesting spin there.

The Krampus Festive Beatdown

Science Fiction Art Compilation Iridium Dreams

It’s a little embarrassing that a friend of the blog Bradford Walker gave this video a shoutout well before I could get around to posting about it on my own blog. But I guess that’s what wingman are for (watching your six.)

This is the third scifi art + music video that I’ve done and definitely the one I’m most happy with.


Bitchute Version

The art uses is a mix of 70’s era art I found on twitter from the usual sources; and a number of more modern artwork grabbed off of google images. There is a very definite ‘cities and bases’ theme to this video.

Here’s a few of my favorite pictures.


A great landscape piece with only the two starfighters or shuttlecraft giving any hint that this is a sci-fi setting.


An ice moon city made up of crater suburbs and linked by what looks like rail lines.


Giant mech versus some kind of superheavy tank. Hell Yeah!


Heavy duty asteroid mining gear.


Very dark and cyberpunky. Sadly no commies being thrown from the helicopters. Clearly a minor oversight by the artist.


Trex + Uboat = What exactly is going on here?


A beautiful winter spaceport scene. Love the VTOL.


Science Fiction Art Compilation Iridium Dreams

Do It Again But Bigger and Louder.

So I got bored and decided to try to learn some basic editing skills, like how to put music over video.

and this is the result… basically a repeat of the last post but cranked all the way up to eleven.


Also I have set up a Bitchute account just as an backup. Although I have noticed that book reviews seem to do very well on there for some reason.


Do It Again But Bigger and Louder.

Musical Interlude

Just trying to calm myself down and relax a little.


Iced Earth — Brothers

Strong toxic masculinity themes in this one.


Epica covering the Attack on Titan main theme.


Leo doing a cover of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck.


And since I’m going to get hell if I don’t post it here’s

Wolf Totem from The HU

Mongolian folk metal in indeed an actual sub genre.

Musical Interlude