A Brief Distraction

Just doing a quick non-virus related post to cheer up a little.


Very nice Mars base here. Love the drone glider thingie.


Fury — The World is Mine

Love this song. Definite Hero Theme.



Well when you put it that way.


Ironflame —Blood Red Cross

Nice Crusader/Templar themed song.



 Old school barbarian art is never off topic.


Saxon — Terminal Velocity

Very high energy song. Suitable for paratroopers or space marines.



Just a space hermit with his frens.

A Brief Distraction

Just a Little Bit Concerned

I do have to admit that I’m a little spooked by recent happenings.

I mean tried to sit down and come up with three fictional plagues while redoing my future history timeline and absolutely nothing I could come up can top the absurdity of what we are seeing.

Chinese Death Farts.

How on Earth do you top that as a fiction writer.


Actually Coronachan spreading in that manner would explain was the disease likes passenger planes and trains so much. People know to cover their mouths when they cough but sooner or later everyone has to fart…

Have we been worrying about the wrong threat?

How the hell would you handle something like that in a hospital setting?


You win again Clownworld. You win again.



Meanwhile in China… let’s hope that’s not what it looks like.


Probably doesn’t have the Coronavirus. Might have something else though. Just keep the mask on, anon.



Somebody did this for a t-shirt design.



Plague of frogs, not a good sign. Unless you’re a French chef with a burning hatred of muppets,

Just a Little Bit Concerned

So It Begins: Quarantines are Racist

“Hey it’s only the Chernobyl of biological warfare. No need to be so racist, bro.”

— Woke Journalist 2020


“Actually looking back Chernobyl didn’t really kill that many people. This is more of a Hiroshima.”

— Wolfman, five minutes ago.


This is going to get ugly, very ugly but it might be the Red Pill that Canada desperately needs.

It also settles the question of whether Trudeau was bought by the Saudis or by the Chinese. Looks like Beijing outbid the Islamists this time.

As more and more time goes on the blatant lies of the media are going to look worse and worse.

My prediction is that this virus is going to rip through Toronto and Vancouver while Trudeau of his clown friends stand around hapless giving us all lectures on racism and climate change.

Western Canada is already pissed at Ottawa and this disaster may push enough of that anger into central Canada to enable what few patriots we have to take back the country as a whole. Wishful thinking I suppose but a man can dream.

While the worse case scenarios are still very, very grim CoronaChan’s 2020 world tour is a dress rehearsal for the apocalypse not the real thing. Basic preparations are called for but there’s no need to be Batman prepared.


Still if we ever do get hit by the actual Wu Tang Flu… 

Anyway. Stay calm, don’t let the Spirit of Fear rule over you.


And always look on the grabbler side of life.

So It Begins: Quarantines are Racist

The Wu Tang Flu

Got bored. Got angry. Decided to do something.

This was the result.

Remember when millions of lives were on the line the media decided that it was more important to call you racist than to protect your Asian friends, neighbors and colleagues from an accidently released bioweapon.

Bitchute version (More likely to stay long term)



And Yes I do believe that this was an accidental release, since no one (not even the French military) could fuck up this hard on purpose.

The Wu Tang Flu

Predicable but Still Enraging

Well it looks like Coronachan has come to the Great Barren Wasteland to give hugs and spread her blessings. [four cases at the moment.]

And how our esteemed leadership caste reacting?

by denying everything and calling anyone raising any concerns a racist.


Just a little bit pissed that (((they))) are going with this tactic.

Rebel Media gives a good example of this.


There’s a lot going on with this virus that we aren’t being told about. However if it is an escaped  biological weapon at least it’s not a very deadly one.

Coronachan is a dress rehearsal for the apocalypse not the main event.

However it’s important to note just how completely useless the government officials are in the face of this sort of event.


At least we’ll always have bat soup jokes.

Predicable but Still Enraging