An Interesting Turn Of Events

Roy Potter on the recent character assassination attack on Q Anon [15 mins]

Note that the main effect of this is to confirm that “Q” is indeed legit… or at least legit enough to have seriously pissed in somebody’s cornflakes.

Say is this a bad time to remind everybody that PizzaGate was never debunked? and was in fact the least crazy explanation that people could come up with to explain the Podesta emails?

I mean why was a wealthy and EXTREMELY BUSY man like John Podesta taking time out from running a presidential campaign to talk about pizza and hotdogs in internal party emails? Do you have an answer? because I sure the fuck don’t.

Anyway that’s it for tonight.

Keep on rocking in the memory of the Free World.

—Wolfman out–

An Interesting Turn Of Events

The Storm: Clouds Gathering

Okay getting just a little bit concerned here.

I have been at least trying to keep up on the events of The Storm and the Qanon posts but there’s a lot to go through and everybody has a slightly different take on each event. This I guess is where the two or three witnesses thing comes in.

Finding this site to be particularly useful.


Roy Potter on the conflict between the Military Intelligence (pro Trump) and the FBI/CIA/NSA [20mins]

Talking mostly about Qanon and related topics. As far as I can tell Roy Potter is genuine even if he is not the greatest presenter. One take away here is that a declaration of martial law or even an actually shooting war is a very real possibility. Not a pleasant thought to say the least. Which bring me to the question. What was the plan if Trump had lost the election? There must have been one… and I’m very thankful that we’ll never know the answer to that question.



Steve Motley being a crazy, hardcore motherfucker [15mins]

An attempt to put everything into perspective here. Very passionate and a lot of points that need to be considered very seriously. Again the idea that Trump was asked to run for president by the marines and military intelligence, comes up. I’m not completely sold on Motley but he’s making a lot of sense here and isn’t contradicting established facts.


Has Sessions been a complete failure? Or has he been following orders and simply lying in wait all this time?


Marines on Yellow Alert and other news [18mins]

Little iffy on this channel as the host strikes me as a little too herbally enhanced. Also the flat earth stuff is a big red flag in my book. Still I felt it was worth including.


A quick note on Thomas Wictor before I call it a night. I think he’s wrong about outright dismissing the err…non-official explanations of the Las Vegas Shooting. However it should be noted that the whole elaborate /pol/ version of events does not actually contradict Mr. Wictor when it comes to events in the Middle East and the Saudi Reformers (where he is pretty much is the established gold standard expert at this point.) Thomas might be missing a few points on the domestic side but that’s not why anyone follows him. The man’s forced me to completely rethink my understanding of the Middle East and the likely events in the coming decades and for that I salute him.

A Fully Functioning LV Shooting Theory

Anyway that’s enough for now. Hopefully I’m just being paranoid and pessimistic.

Actually that’s another point. All the reliable people who would have some inside knowledge seem to be extremely optimistic. That’s a good sign.

To quote Qanon “We are winning bigly.”

The Storm: Clouds Gathering

Outward Bound: Colonizing Jupiter

Going to ease back on the tinfoil for moment and get back to science fiction. The newest episode of Issac Arthur’s Outward Bound was released today and it definitely lives up to the bill. Easily one of the best channels on Youtube. [30mins]

If you love big idea science fiction this should be right up your alley. This episode covers the colonization of Jupiter and it’s moons. Focusing first on Callisto (which to my surprise may be the best candidate for an early colony) then on Europa and it’s large ocean. Finally colonization options for Jupiter itself are discussed along with some very very big ideas.

Outward Bound: Colonizing Jupiter

A Fully Functioning LV Shooting Theory

This livestream goes completely off the rails at around the 25min mark but for the first 15mins or so Davis Aurini presents the entire version of what /pol/ has pieced together about the events surrounding the Las Vegas Shooting.

Nobody believed the official story but the stakes appear to have been a great deal higher than anyone thought… and yes the Saudis are connected.

Worth a listen if you have 15-20mins.

The swamp is getting drained… but damn those are some big gators we’re going to have to wrestle.

A Fully Functioning LV Shooting Theory

Soy Kills


Paul Joseph Watson on the Soyboy phenomenon. [8mins]

Okay fam it’s time to get this shit out of your diet. Yes I need to do this too but there’s no real excuse at this point to be willingly consuming soy products. Are we men or are we mice? Actually mice wouldn’t eat this shit either.




Oh and watch for texturized vegetable protein (that’s soy too.) In fact we’re probably going to have a lot of trouble finding processed food that doesn’t contain soy but nobody came here on the short bus and we should be able to figure this out.

and thus begins The War on Soy. We have met the enemy and xe is a bland tasteless spongy meatloaf like product.

Soy Kills

Heavy Tinfoil

It goes without saying that I’m just a little bit sceptical but you might want to grab some popcorn because this was a fun ride.

40min interview with Robert David Steele.

This covers a LOT of interesting topics. The man is clearly half-crazy and half-genius but which topics is he right about and when is he simply pulling silk handkerchiefs out of his ass?

There’s really no way for us to tell. We just have to wait and see. That what makes this tinfoil stuff so much fun. At least Mr. Steele is a cheerful optimist and not just another internet prophet of doom.

Heavy Tinfoil

Just a Mild Side Effect

I do tend to run off on completely pointless sidequests from time to time.

So anyway I’ve spent a good chunk of the last couple days reading the backposts of a celebrity gossip/ whistleblowing site.

Crazy Days and Nights

Lots of very tinfoily stuff there and I’ve only made it back to about October last year. The main account there posts a lot.

However I’m going to have to take a break as I’m beginning to have nightmares about being kidnapped by trainwreck Disney Girls and their C-List rapper/drug dealer boyfriends.

Just a Mild Side Effect

Just a Prank, Bro.

I’m on record as complaining that this moment is “Faker than a stripper’s new titties” but after a few days of thinking about it I have to stop and admire the craftmenship.


So clearly what happened here is that one of the patriot or alt-right infiltrators managed to slip the fake banner into the protest. The only mistake they made is that NAMBLA would not refer to themselves as ‘pedos’ and probably want nothing to do with a group of International Marxist terrorists. Still well done Secret Squirrel Shitlords.

Oh and as a wonderful bonus we’ll now have an internal witchhunt inside antifa which considering that they are a group made up mostly of methheads, soyboys and college professors should be an absolute blast to watch unfold.

Final Verdict: Troll rating 9/10. Would defend Mi’Lady’s tire.

Just a Prank, Bro.