Catgirls Needs Claws

Catgirls need claws: The standard weapons of the Nekoite militia.

Armies need equipment but what do you when you need to fight an interstellar guerrilla war and your army consists mostly of ninety pound catgirls?

What if resources are desperately scarce and you need to focus all of your high tech industry towards building up your space navy and keeping as many starfighters operational as near-humanly possible?

Well then one possible solution would be to mass produce low technology weapons copied from history and use those to equip your ground forces. Not an ideal solution but at least it’s a solution and the Nekoite Clans just so happen to have excellent records, blueprints and databases of a lot of Old Terra technology.


Lightweight, reliable and significantly better than nothing; the standard weapon of the nekoite militia is a folding stock copy of the M1 carbine.

The M1 carbine was also one of the most cost effective weapons used by the United States Military during World War II. At the beginning of World War II the average production cost for an M1 carbine was approximately $45, about half the cost of an M1 rifle at approximately $85 and about a fifth of the cost of a Thompson submachine gun at approximately $225. The .30 Carbine ammunition was also far cheaper to produce than the standard .30-06 ammunition; used less resources, was smaller, lighter, faster and easier to make. These were major factors in the United States Military decision to adopt the M1 carbine, especially when considering the vast numbers of weapons and ammunition manufactured and transported by the United States during World War II.”

Again the Nekoite clans are very lightly equipped and need weapons that can be mass produced while conserving high tech alloys and rare minerals. A 1940’s tech rifle requiring only a few basic computer assisted machine tools and some medium grade steel is for all practical purposes free. The only real cost is getting sufficient ammunition produced and distributed.

Officers and better equipped “Ranger units” are occasionally equipped with P90s or late model M-4s although that does complicate the ammunition situation. Ranger units are also going to have at least handful of laser or plasma weapons which can come as rather nasty surprise to an opponent who gets a little too dismissive of mere catgirls.


The next weapon is the M-79 grenade launcher. Why? Because why not? It also happens to be a very flexible weapon. Standard HE rounds are all fun and games but the nekoites have also developed a hollow charge HEAT “crackerjack” grenade that is just powerful enough to punch through a typical armored spacesuit. Again cost-effectiveness is the key. That said commando units can get their paws on some pretty exotic ammo of the mission is important enough.


And then we have the panzerfaust. Yes it’s a direct copy of the WWII weapon. Well usually a direct copy… sometimes you get a special snowflake panzerfaust with a plasma core warhead but that’s strictly for fighting giant robots. Again the panzerfaust was chosen as a low tech weapon that could be ridiculously mass produced and handed out to anyone who needed one.


Nyan! Desu! Banzai!!!

Well? What else would an army of catgirls carry as a sidearm? Besides if you’ll going to die for Holy Mother Terra you need to die with style as you take as many Face-Eating Giant Space Spiders with you as you can.


—Wolfman Out—

“I regret that I have but nine lives to give for my county. We’ll meet again in Meowhalla.” —Seiko

“Don’t be so negative, Bro. You got this.” — Ky’s response.

Catgirls Needs Claws

This Is What Draining The Swamp Looks Like.

Darth Bannon at work? Did the 4d chess never stop?

I haven’t been commenting much on US politics* lately as I’m well aware that I miss important details especially at the state and local level. As Captain Obvious likes to point out my boots are on an entirely set of ground**.

So I just have to ask my friends “Does this look right to you?”

Because I haven’t seen anything to contradict it and puts a lot of recent things in perspective.

We already know the Democrats are going to get ‘anally rearranged’ in the 2018 mid term elections. So is Trump instead focusing his efforts on running against the Republican establishment? That would be a logical play, would it not?


Todd Reinhardt breaks things down and discusses the long game. [16 mins]

Well worth your time.

We’re going to primary the swamp creatures but I can’t be seen doing it. You have to do it.”

Very interesting point about the Strange/Moore election (about 1:40) that Trump was publicly supporting Strange while Steve Bannon and others were supporting Judge Moore.


Adjust image slightly depending on country.


Anyway the take away here is that The Swamp is getting drained. The process has started but people need to keep in mind is that The Swamp is bigger than anyone thought and moving THAT MUCH slimey, muddy polluted water is by necessity going to take a very long time and an awful lot of work.

Which brings me to another thought I’ve been playing around with.

The Left continues to obsess over the God-Emperor’s tweets. With hundreds of “resistance fighters” scrambling desperately in a race to be the top reply and get those much desired happy feel feel points. This happens with every single tweet (which is why I think Trump makes so many of them.) The previous outrage of only yesterday is simply discarded in the mad dash to be all so current. Very short term thinking.

Meanwhile the most intelligent sections of the modern Right are thinking about events that will occur in 2020 or even 2024. What comes after Trump? That is things get very interesting. Trump has brought the Republic at least another twenty years of life. Will those extra and completely unexpected decades be enough to save it? Still too early to tell.

The Left is thinking in minutes and hours.

The Right is thinking in weeks and years.

That is a reverse of the previous paradigm. The tide has indeed shifted.


*Quick note that it is actually easier for a Canadian to follow US politics at the national level than it is to follow politics in our own country. Why? BECAUSE THE CANADIAN MEDIA IS COMPLETE SHIT [insert rant here]. Below the national level however that is not the case.

**This does sadly (if hilariously) lead to a lot of arrogant Canadian pundits*** who are very good at reading and predicting Federal level American politics but who routinely make complete asses of themselves when they try to understand smaller local issues****. I’m trying to not be that guy.

***Trust not the Conserva-thot.

**** We also see a lot this in the Alt-Right when Americans try to discuss events in Europe… or vice versa.

This Is What Draining The Swamp Looks Like.

Well It’s a Start

To excited not to post this. Working title is To Seek A Glorious Death.


In hindsight perhaps telling the Anti-Human League to go pound sand hadn’t been the wisest of decisions but the Don’sora system was too valuable a piece of real estate to not give up without a fight. Besides if the Armed Forces of Humanity in Exile were ever going to retake Sol they needed to make a stand somewhere and this was as good a place as any. The problem was that it was very likely to be a last stand.

“Tell me Karika, what do you think of our chances?” General Fletcher asked the alien mercenary standing next to him.

The codteki seemed confused by the question. “This battle is unexpected and our enemy has been taken off guard. It is doubtful that any of their planners would have foreseen the need to prepare for a full scale planetary invasion. Too long have they feasted on unworthy prey.”

“We’re hardly prepared ourselves…”

The codteki turned to face the general in a sudden motion that was frighteningly uncanny even after all the years Fletcher has spent around members of his race. “Do not discount the conviction of our warriors or the sharpness of our claws. On this battleground we shall fight for victory and not merely for a glorious death.”

The human was stunned for a moment. The Free Terrans were only a fraction of the Coalition Forces holding Rylis spaceport, yet the burden of command had fallen to him for almost symbolic reasons. “This seems like a strange place.”

“So was a place called The Alamo.” The alien replied.

Fletcher didn’t let the surprise show on his face but his heart raced at the reference. If the codteki had studied human history that thoroughly… He let the thought go. That was something for another time. ”A moral victory, a hill to die on.”

“Let the Enemy come and we shall see who will do the dying.” Karika replied before turning and walking away. “God stands with us. It matters not what stands before us.”

Well It’s a Start

A Quick Checklist

The PulpRev crowd has been a very bad influence on me.

This is mostly at the brainstorm stage but I’ve been thinking about how cram all of the following into a single battle. Definitely keeping Rawle Nyanzi’s recent articles about romantic weapons in mind here.


-Swords (Katanas included)




-Interstellar cruise missiles

-Giant Fucking Robots!!!

Super Heavy Combat Walker: Callsign “Big Stompy”


-Powered Armor

-Combat Hovercraft

-Kaiju “Bio-Titans”


-Submarines In Space “Subphase ships”


Optional: These are in the maybe section.



Cyborg Alien Bear Gangster*


Deus Vult



*Not sure if this character will be present. I’d have a hard time justifying him getting stuck in the middle of a planetary invasion. He’s usually pretty good at avoiding those sorts of sticky situations.

A Quick Checklist

Allsorted Youtube Selections

Life is sort of kicking my ass right now but I really do hate to leave the blog empty so here’s a number of youtube videos that caught my fancy recently.

Arch Warhammer presents A Truly Orky Story [23 mins]

Yes happy endings are possible even in the grimdark of WH40K.



Get in the trukk boyz!!!


How not to invade a planet[5 mins]

Still an awesome movie just as long as you keep it completely separate from the novel.


Mildly annoying historian Lindybeige goes over the entire Bayeux Tapestry from beginning to end. [22 mins]

A very interesting artform if nothing else.


Mim Headroom reviews the Sharknado of comics [16 mins]

If you wanted an example of just how ridiculous SJW Marvel can be; this is it… and yes the guy in the wheelchair is named Wheels. There is however an excellent Hawkeye leadership moment around the twelve minute mark. Mim gives these two issues in question a 5/10 because they somehow manage to be fun.

I actually think the terrible artwork helped this series in being more fun than it actually is.”


So yeah Occupy Avengers might be worth digging out of your local comic store’s trash bin. Such as the world we live in.

Allsorted Youtube Selections

NerdLife 10: Most Interesting Times

Not much to say this month so let’s just get straight down to business.


A quick Geekdom is under attack manifesto from what appears to be a fairly new site.

Remember fam, it’s all one big nerdwar. Focus on the battleground that you know best but remember that Alt-Culture is a combined arms operation. Do your duty and together we can push back the poz.


And in that note Space Ranger Jon Mollison gives a little pep talk to all us eager young space cadets.

So grab your gyrojet carbines and get to your scout ships, boys because those space princesses aren’t going to just escape from those alien doom dungeons without somebody lending a hand, tentacle or other biomechanical grasping device.


Epic Viking squirrel music.

This almost seems to be two separate songs blended together. Definitely high energy and very squirrelly.


J D Cowan Discusses what actually made the X-Men good.

If you asked anyone in the 1990s why they liked the X-Men you would have few answers beyond the obvious. They had awesome powers. They were cool. They were distinct individuals with their own talents that backed each other up and meshed well in a group. They always take on the bad guys and put aside their own personal grudges to do so. The stories are explosive and fun.

Whatever politics the X-Men were created with were secondary to what kids enjoyed out of them.”




Justin Knight reflects on what drove him to write his latest novel, Praxis.

I loved the original Alien movie, because it was basically truckers in space. With Praxis, I wanted to do a warehouse in space.”


Diversity and Comics reviews Shirtless Bear Fighter [22 mins]

And he’s not really a fan. This comic seems to have wasted a perfectly good concept, in favor of cramming in lame jokes and completely ham-handed sarcasm.

Edit: Oh Look Somebody decided to DMCA the video in question. How stunning and brave!


Interplanetary Baseball Commissioner Jon Del Arroz discusses the rise of alternative culture [13mins]


Brian Niemeier weighs on Comicsgate


Yakov Merkin‘s second article on writing non-human characters. He gets into the nuts and blots a bit here.

“The first pitfall is obvious. Most readers won’t question a non-human character, but, if by the middle of the book they’re wondering what exactly is alien about this character, you have a problem.”


Looks about right


Paul Lucas reflects upon a Robert. E Howard poem and does an in-depth breakdown.

The climax of the poem is striking – the Dark Barbarian literally towers over all. He is a massive god looming over the remnants of a crushed civilisation, not just in our minds but literally.“


Forging a French Nail (Early WWI Trench Knife) [6 Mins]

Weapons don’t need to be fancy in order to be deadly. It’s also very sobering to contemplate that a great deal of World War I fighting was done with knives, sharpened entrenching tools or even clubs.


NotJohnDaker muses over how to work Vikings into the ACKS system.

As per this blog’s standard policy MOAR Vikings is better than less Vikings and I must applaud all efforts towards that noble goal.


Outward Bound: Colonizing Titan [31mins]

This is Titan the frozen flammable gold mine of the solar system.”

Exactly what it says on the tin. Amazing series. Certainly much better Sci-fi than Star Trek Discovery, especially when you consider that its budget could probably be calculated in ramen noodles.


Rawle Nyanzi gives us a post briefly discussing various highly romantic weapons that are in fact quite impractical but always seem to capture the imagination of the audience.

Swords, Spacefighters and Giant Robots sounds like a pretty awesome time.


Anyway that’s all I got for now. People do seem a little interesting in further “Ice Moon Corrigan” writing so I’m trying to plan a little of that out. Corrigan was supposed to get a passing mention in Decisive Action but it’s such an interesting idea for a society that it would be a shame not to play with the ideas just a bit more. We just don’t get enough Christian fanatic super-preppers turning entire moons into heavily fortified monasteries in modern Science Fiction.

But that’s another thought for another day until then For Breyland and for glory!

—Wolfman Out–

NerdLife 10: Most Interesting Times

The Colonel’s Speech

Okay I probably am going to have to sit down and do a Ice Moon Corrigan story…


A image appeared on the screen of a older man with a neat short beard, dressed in a white suit. He grinned at camera with an undeniable charisma and began speaking in what the pirates’ computer would later identify as a ‘likely fake Old American deep south accent.’

This is The Colonel, speaking for the people and militia of Corrigan.

Alright you small-dicked weaselfuckers y’all ain’t fooling nobody with that whole ‘we come in peace’ bullshit. We all know why you’re here and let me start by saying that your kind of ‘free roaming businessmen’ ain’t all that welcome in these parts.

That said it looks like you’re here and we’re gonna have to do business. So I’ll try make this as plain and clear as I can. You’re here to make a quick buck and that ain’t happening. Our colony is self-sufficient in the essentials of life, so you can’t starve us out. As for the parts and machinery we need to import well… we got enough spare parts to last us about twenty years or so.

So whatever you think you’re going to do to us it ain’t gonna be quick and it sure as hell ain’t gonna be easy. Time is money, son. Especially in your line of work. By now I’ve sure you’ve had a chance to talk to our neighbors and learnt just what kind of fellows we are. You see Corrigan is a proposition Nation based on a very interesting set of propositions.

We build up our treasures in Heaven, not upon the mortal plane.

We ain’t got no gold, we ain’t got no platinum, ain’t got no fancy jewels either. The wealth we do have on this moon is in the form of heavy machinery and infrastructure. Not exactly the kind of portable loot you need to keep your operation running.

Now I just told you what We the people and militia of Corrigan don’t have. So to even things out I’m going to tell you we do have a whole lot of.

We got nothing but cold steel, hot lead and tungsten carbine penetrators and believe me the good ole boys will be more than happy to give it to you sons-a-bitches one round at time

You doubt my word you just go right on ahead and try it. Seriously son, with God as my witness any fight with us is a losing bargain.

Because you know damn well even if we had the cash to pay you off, Y’all could go eat a dick ‘cuz you ain’t getting one damn cent from us.

We’re ready to meet our God. Are you ready to meet yours?

The Colonel’s Speech

Quick Hit: Ice Moon Corrigan

Not a very productive weekend I’m afraid but I’ll leave you with this little piece of world-building.


While Corrigan is relatively wealthy it is also a frozen hostile atmosphere moon inhabited by nine hundred thousand armed to the teeth militant Christian fanatics, living in hundreds of practically self-sufficient ‘farmhold’ settlements which are all inter-connected by deep underground tunnels and who could as a last resort retreat their entire population into a carefully prepared fortified mountain range. You will get nothing out of the Corgis unless you ask them very, very nicely.


and yes the inhabitants of the ice moon Corrigan are called Corgis.

Quick Hit: Ice Moon Corrigan

Not What I Had Expected

I honestly had no idea Nazi Vaporwave was an actual thing it sounded too stupid to actually exist… but here we are.

I’ve posted some of Knight SGC’s videos before. His Sabaton videos in particular are superb (everything goes better with Sabaton.) I was still surprised to see THIS in his subscription feed. Masterfully edited to boot. Just sitting here laughing my ass off at how certain SJWs would react if they were send this as a twitter response.

I stated before that the age of the Nazi Meme is coming to an end and that it is time for the Alt-Right to move away from the tactic and look towards the longer term.

But this was just damn funny to see coming from a completely unexpected source and it really made my evening.

Not What I Had Expected