Momentum Matters

Make a point to celebrate every victory.

No matter how petty or insignificant it may seem at the time.

Shrug off your setbacks.

Do not dwell on your defeats

but instead embrace with your full heart every win that life gives you.


#Winning is a habit and any momentum you can get matters.

After all you weren’t going to let them actually stop you?



Mission first. Always.

Momentum Matters

Someone Set Us Up The Bomb

Styxhexenhammer666 covers all the obvious points. [6mins]


Yeah not impressed here





Were these bombs hand planted? It sure seems that way. Also make sure you have an intern take the bomb out the package just in case it’s rigged to explode.


The prop department must have had fun with this one


Yeah this is looking more and more like a hastily planned last minute stunt.

and there would have to be at least a half dozen people involved to get this many fake bombs all sent to so many different locations at the same time.


One bomb might have been believable.

A series of bombs send out one at time over the course of two or three weeks would get a maybe.

But this multiple fake bombs apparently hand planted in locations miles apart all within a day or two of each other.

Nope this whole event is faker than a stripper’s new tiddies.


and the God-Emperor might have foreseen these machinations of chaos.


but with that remember to stay vigilant patriots.

If you see something say something.


There was also this cryptic warning posts to the chans about a week ago.


Which might still be in play… or the plan might have changed (Again this MAGABomber thing looks like a very rushed and desperate operation.) However everything is just speculation at this point, The only thing we know at the moment is that MSM Narrative CANNOT BE TRUE


Update: The clock on the bomb has been identified.


Okay I take it back. This can’t be an intelligence operation. No professional clown would be this embarrassingly bad at his job.

Someone Set Us Up The Bomb

Quick Thoughts on the NPC Meme

Sorry for the lack of posts lately but here’s a short rant I just did on the NPC meme meaning different things to different generations.

For the older generation an NPC is someone completely controlled by the Game Master.

For the younger generation an NPC is an imitation of a human following a strictly programmed script.

In both cases this is a rhetorical killshot.


Also this is probably a good place to dump a bunch of memes isn’t it?






Anyway underground meme to New York Times in two weeks!

Quick Thoughts on the NPC Meme

Early Thoughts On Goblin Slayer

Quick off the cuff reaction to the new and very brutal dark fantasy anime Goblin Slayer.

This show is a win but only if you’re in a very specific niche.

That said the SJW reaction to this show has been absolutely priceless.


and yes we’re actually getting memes out of this one.


So anyway if you’re interested in old school TRPGs or anything #PulpRev related this show might be worth checking out but this show is definitely hard R-Rated.

Personally I’m just happen to have a show that isn’t standard moe-blob faire.



Nux Taku‘s extra sarcastic take is also an excellent watch. [10mins]

Although with some minor spoilers.

Early Thoughts On Goblin Slayer

Eyes of the Emperor

Part Three of the Squeaker War

Part One Here: The Mechanics of Creation

Part Two Here: Truth, Lies, More Truth and Insanity


An audio reading of this chapter which I’m actually quite happy with. [7 mins]


Chapter Three: The Eyes of the Emperor.

The Codteki ELINT ship drifted ballistically in the shadow of the Sol system’s seventh planet, a fairly standard ice giant with an odd axial tilt. While there was no chance of a primitive radar even getting a sniff of the Silent Watcher the natives of this system had built of number of very powerful optical imaging installations and caution demanded that they be respected. Especially now that the Jubi Commonwealth had made open contact with the Terrans and that they would be actively looking for other aliens.

The Codteki Empire would have normally considered Earth and its inhabitants fair game and a ripe target for annexation. As a technologically stalled late fission age civilization they were right in sort of a sweet spot where they had advanced enough industries to be worth conquering yet little in the way of proper defences. Frankly it was a surprise to Captain Karadof that somebody hadn’t already added Sol to an interstellar empire. For one thing their petroleum processing industry was top notch and Earth produced a constant stream of highly entertaining historical war dramas. Rage of the Vikings in particular was proving quite popular among the Watcher’s crew.

However Karadof wasn’t here to keep on eye on the locals so much as he was to watch for and monitor any other sign of alien presence or movement in this system. He had been absolutely baffled by those orders and had initially refused them until the Prince-Admiral had confirmed them in writing and sworn a blood oath to testify to their legitimacy.

The mighty and noble Prince-Admiral hadn’t actually explained why the Watcher was being sent out to the edge of the frontier under the command of an officer two ranks senior than would be customary for a normal assignment but Karadof knew enough of the recent diplomatic tensions to understand why his liege would want a steady reliable captain near the potential conflict zone.

Relations with the Jubi had always been erratic ever since the Misunderstanding War. However Jubi had always been isolationists, avoiding conflict and focusing on whatever aesthetic whim their twisted little alien brains found themselves obsessed with from day to day. So when the Jubi had suddenly reappeared from the ashes of history and began not only claiming territory but actually pressuring the large and very militant Codteki Empire to back away from a certain section of the frontier, the whole civilized galaxy had taken notice.

In the end the Codteki had backed down more out of confusion than anything else. Besides there were plenty of other places to expand to; endless stars with mountains to climb and new races to conquer. The Emperor in his infinite wisdom and cunning had accepted the loss of face and used the incident as leverage to normalize trade and diplomatic relations with their most alien of neighbours.

Then came the secret treaty. In the blink of an eye the Empire and the Commonwealth had gone from enemies plotting each others ultimate destruction to full military allies. No one below flag officer rank or outside the Imperial family knew the exact details or ultimate purpose of that treaty but Karadof had been told in private that the alliance was very very conditional on the Jubi keeping their word on some specific item.

Which probably explained the Watcher’s mission in this system. The Jubi were up to something and no warrior-scholar who had studied the Misunderstanding War could fail to be alarmed at that. Karadof actually didn’t need to know what information he was supposed to confirm or deny he just needed to make sure his ship captured the raw data and survived long enough to deliver it.

A quiet buzzer on the bridge shook Karadof from his contemplations.

“Ship contact, range twenty light-seconds.” Lieutenant Flurkik the ship’s tactical officer announced. “Contact is very faint but it’s definitely there. Destroyer size at most.”

Karadof jumped from his command chair to moved to view the main tactical display. A rather bad habit of his since his own displays would be carrying the exact same information but instincts were instincts and he’d always been a hands on leader. “Can we tell anything at this range? That’s a ship that should not be there.”

“Non-standard engines and its active stealth systems seem to be cutting in and out.” The lieutenant reported. “Almost like there was a malfunction?”

“Positive class identification! Shadowfish class special operations frigate.”

A Jubi ship? Well that wasn’t really a surprise but even picking up an elusive prey like a Shadowfish at such a long range was noteworthy. They wanted us to see them. Jubi hide everything by instinct. This had to be a deliberate decision.

“Incoming burst transmission. Commonwealth protocol. Looks like an older code.”

“One they know we can decrypt,” Karadof asserted. Jubi never did anything in a straightforward manner. Aliens were by definition alien but Jubi could be uniquely baffling and irrational.

“Decrypting now… Looks like a straight text file. Language is Old Codteki, message repeats in High Codteki and… unknown third language?” The comm officer reported.

“Put the message up in High Codteki,” The captain ordered.

Maintain mission profile.

More important than you know.

Trust the plan.

Save the humans.

We will overcome.

“What plan?” Flurkik asked completely baffled by the message. He wasn’t the only one.

“Jubi always have a plan. I just wish they would tell the rest of us what it is.” The captain roared loud enough to cause his crew to bristle in alarm.

“Sir do we send a response?” The comm officer asked.

“No we maintain comm silence.” The captain ordered. “And we trust our ‘allies.’ Whatever they’re doing in this system it seems to be important to them.”

“If we’re already conceding this system to the Commonwealth then why are we here?” Flurkik asked momentarily forgetting his place.

“To be the Emperor’s Eyes,” Karadof said with a flourish. “and because the Jubi can’t really put on a show without an audience.”

“But save the humans?”

“Well you have to admit that they make great television shows.” Karadof answered. “I guess that’s a reason. Either way it’s none of our business.”

Eyes of the Emperor