
NerdLife for March 31st 2017

Not too sure what direction I’ll be taking this blog in the future. I’ll probably be doing a bit of A/B testing over the next month or so. This is supposed to be a writer’s blog but I never seem to get any writing done…


I know right.

Rolling a 98 (Found randomly on Youtube)

Hey sometimes RN Jesus thanks you for all the prayers. Moments like these are why gamers game.

The STAR WARS is serious business section:

Of course Han shoots first. To think otherwise is heresy!


Good life advice in general.

A brilliant retelling of Star Wars that highlights just how toxic and counterproductive strong female characters can be when trying to tell any sort of heroic story.

Bradford Walker breaks down the important of Grand Admiral Thrawn as a Star Wars antagonist. While I still have mixed feelings about Rebels there is absolutely no doubt that they nailed Thrawn character and that his mere presence greatly improved the show.

Rawle Nyanzi breaks down the new power rangers movie and highlights the paint by numbers progressive nature of the heroes.

Declan Finn goes down the list of upcoming Hollywood remakes. It’s not a pretty picture.

Uadate: Related an article on the CHIPS remake which IMO doesn’t look like a bad movie in and by itself but is probably going to be a horrible remake.

Wasn’t sure where to put this… but you know how much I love conspiracy theories. Besides Machiavelli is pretty required reading in these troublesome days.

“I’ve never clicked on anything so fast in my life.”

Sad news everybody.

Now if anyone needs me I’ll be in the bathroom cutting myself and listening to My Chemical Romance.

—Wolfman out.

Still rocking in the fading memory of the Free World.


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