Well Fuck You Youtube.

Ye shall know the Truth and the truth shall pisseth ye off.

Here is the fourth video in the Investigating Youtube #PedoTube series. Most of you should have a fairly good idea how strictly Youtube enforces copyright on smaller creators often to the point of blatant abuse. So…

and again it is very suspicious that Disney or Sony aren’t even attempting to crack down on this…but they’ll go after podcasts who show a movie trailer while they review the movie in question.

Many of these video are simply copycat content farming or a lazy cynical cash grab others are not. There seems to be a psychological or occult formula being followed designed to either groom or condition children to accept abuse or to otherwise damage them.

Whoever is doing these videos needs to be stopped and they need to be stopped by whatever calibre rounds good Christian men deem appropriate.

Well Fuck You Youtube.

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